E35: Celebrating Completion of Our Beta Cohort of Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher and Coach for Women Certification

In today's podcast episode I want to invite you to celebrate with me the completion of our Beta Cohort of Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher and Coach for Women training certification. This is a celebration of an amazing achievement for all of us - women who signed up for 10 months training and completed it, for our Associate Coaches who contributed and shared their wisdom and expertise, and for me as a founder and main trainer and coach. It's been a journey filled with a lot of learning, growth and healing. There were many insights and inner shifts, lots of connections and conversations, many laughs and some tears. I watched the participants grow and change, and implement their learning and insights in their lives and work. The most important thing is that they kept showing up for themselves and their process even thought it was challenging at times.

In this podcast I reflect on the changes and outcomes reported by the graduates in our final Embodied Wisdom Circle, and how holding this space for other women changed me - as a woman, female practitioner, coach, trainer and feminine leader.

If you would like to join our community and training - our next cohort of Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher and Coach for Women training certification starts on 9th + 10th March, or in Autumn in October. You can find all information about our trauma-informed somatic coaching training certification at http://www.anetai.co.uk/


E36: The Somatic and Embodied Solution for Overwhelm and Burnout


E34: Harmony and Sustainability On Your Own Terms: Honouring Your Body's Needs in Business