Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute™




image of a red sunset in front of the sea
Three women looking at each other, laughing
Res sunset over landscape
multiple women sitting on a staircase laughing


Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute was set up 5 years ago to train practitioners, especially female practitioners - Coaches, Therapists, Social Workers, Yoga Teachers, Wellness Practitioners, Healers - to teach in compassionate, needs-led and bio-psycho-social & spiritual approach, integrated with trauma-informed somatic approach, including Focusing (Embodied Listening) in their coaching and teaching.

Our professionally accredited training certification courses are for practitioners who want to work with focus on creating spaces for deep integration, wholeness and healing, and by encouraging clients and students to develop their own sense of agency through choice and collaboration; practitioners who want to become true embodied feminine leaders within their communities, and teach somatic and embodiment practices that make a real difference to their clients’ wellbeing and lives.

Train with us in 2024 as

Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher and Coach for Women

Two cohorts in 2024 - starting in April and October

“And I said to my body, softly “I want to be your friend’.

It took a long breath. And replied, I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.”

~ Nayyirah Waheed

Trauma-informed Somatic Training

3 Reasons why trauma-informed somatic training should not be an add-on

Our Values

Safety First

We always start with creating ‘safe enough’ spaces for all of us to explore, learn, grow and heal. We honour the connections that happen in our many shared circles.

Collaboration Over Competition

We choose collaboration over competition in our work and understand that our positive impact and power comes not from ‘being the best’ but from being ‘one of the voices’ in the conversation.

Kindness and Compassion

We consciously choose to cultivate kindness and compassion in relationships with ourselves and others, and cultivate clear compassionate boundaries.

Simplicity and Cycles

We embrace a natural way of living in attunement with Nature and Life, and by honouring our needs and inner rhythms that lead to a deeper sense of embodiment.

Shared Human Experience

We recognise that we are all just having a human experience, often messy and imperfect, and bring curiosity, connection and playfulness into our interactions.

Integrity and Wholeness

We prioritise our sense of integrity and wholeness that comes from a rested, stable and grounded way of being, and a regulated nervous system and physiology. All parts are welcome here.

Embodied Listening

We take regular time to connect with our inner felt experience by practicing Embodied Listening to help us understand our needs and meet them in an empowered way.

Embodied Feminine Leadership

We fully embrace our responsibility and role as Embodied Feminine Leaders, understanding the impact we want to make for the benefit of all.

Women in a circle, holding all their hands together, creating a heart shape

Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher and Coach for Women Training Certification

Professional accredited training for female practitioners who wish to...

  • Learn about trauma-informed somatic approach

  • Guide women on a journey of Returning to Embodied Feminine Wholeness

  • Develop their embodied feminine leadership skills to make positive impact within their communities and support women

  • Create and hold safe and inclusive women's circles and spaces, workshops, retreats

  • Help women reconnect with their embodied feminine wisdom, feel safe and nurture their self-trust

Two people sitting in a room on a yoga mat, laughing at each other with laptop on the floor

80hr Trauma-informed Yoga and Embodied Resilience Teacher Training Certification

Professional accredited training certification for yoga teachers who want to…

  • Up-level their understanding of trauma-informed approach

  • Learn how to use asana, pranayama, mindfulness, compassion and embodiment practices and tools to create a safe environment for your students

  • Learn how to take care of themselves when working with students experiencing trauma and trauma symptoms like stress, anxiety, overwhelm and disassociation

Women sitting in a coffee shop at a table, talking to each other

Embodied Business Mandala™ Mentoring and Coaching

  • 1-year group Mentoring and Coaching Programme

  • Somatically and Seasonally focused group mentorship for conscientious and sensitive female practitioners

  • Create a business based on your definition of success, and an embodied, gentle, and nervous system friendly marketing approach and sustainable systems, stepping into your CEO and Leader role, and create your own Embodied Business Mandala™ Model.

  • Embrace nervous system regulated approach to business and a supportive community, where we create simplicity, practice what we preach, pause and connect with our somatic experience, cultivate deep self-trust, and hold safe space for all our successes and challenges.

WELCOME, I’m Aneta


I’m the Founder of The Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute™, a Trauma-informed Somatic Coach, Trainer and Educator, Senior Yoga and Somatics Trainer, and Embodied Business Mandala™ Mentor and Coach.

I work with a bio-psycho-social and needs-led integrative approach drawing on close to three decades of studying various psychological, therapeutic, and body-focused modalities.

My approach to working with clients and how I deliver training courses is further influenced by over 25 years of working with trauma and its impact with individuals, families and communities, in Social Care, in the community and in my own business.

I love supporting other female practitioners and I’ve been training, mentoring, coaching and supervising front line workers and business owners for the last 20 years.


Portrait photo of Antea Idczak, Founder of the Golden Mandala Yoga-Soma Institute™ of the Golden Mandala
  • “I am so grateful for having decided to attend this training! I joined this training because I felt an urge to understand more in depth the broad subject of how trauma works, learn more about somatic movement and definitely because, since I am a yoga instructor – I would love to use this training to help and empower women to become their best version of themselves. I felt that this training will open doors I didn’t see before and I am so happy to say that each day I get more and more clarity on this path.”
    Alexandra Haliciu

  • “I joined Aneta’s course to be a Trauma Informed Somatic Coach for Women because I feel I have more to give than just being a yoga teacher. I have always strived to help others to thrive in their lives but there is that extra that I can add to my work. I was looking for a course that can help me include a more therapeutic approach to my sessions with clients and I found it with Aneta.”
    Jade Wallace

  • “I absolutely love working with Aneta. I recently made the choice to go fully self-employed and the 1:1 coaching and mentoring sessions with Aneta have been a great support along the way. Working on your own can often feel overwhelming and I easily get caught up in trying to do “all the things”. Aneta always helps me feel more grounded, connected to myself again and refocus on what will truly make a difference. I can highly recommend working with Aneta!”
    Fabienne Belgardt

Person holding up autumn leaves
Women in a circle, holding all their hands together, creating a heart shape

The INFO and TASTER Session

Sign up to receive the recording of INFO & TASTER Session for Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher & Coach Training Certification

A recorded session with information about our professional training certification programme.

Listen to the latest Podcast Episodes

Through a Trauma-informed Lens
Soma, Psyche & Soul