E76: Reflect, Reconnect, Refocus: A Year-End Practice for Sustainable Growth
In this podcast episode: "Reflect, Reconnect, Refocus: A Year-End Practice for Sustainable Growth", I share with you a process I go through myself and take my clients through each year. This process has changed my business in a huge way. As the year comes to a close, it's the perfect moment to reflect on where you’ve been, reconnect with your purpose, and refocus on what truly matters. Let me guide you through a simple yet powerful process to:
1. Reflect on Your Year
Celebrate your wins and acknowledge your growth.
Learn from the challenges and refine your path forward.
2. Reconnect with Your Vision, Mission and Goals
Realign with your deeper "why" and let it guide your next steps.
Ensure your goals feel joyful, sustainable, and meaningful.
3. Refocus on Your Embodied Wisdom Path
Trust your unique journey and create a business that’s aligned with your core values, and who you want to become.
Embrace and embody your own way of working, leading, and thriving.
I also share personal stories and insights from my clients and my own business journey, including what it takes to grow sustainably, stay connected to your vision, and create success on your terms.
Invitation to Go Deeper:
To help you integrate this process, I’m offering my FREE 3-Day Exploration with video recordings and workbooks.
Together, we’ll:
Review and reflect on your year with clarity.
Reconnect with your embodied vision and goals.
Refocus on your unique path to plan your year ahead with confidence.
To access the recordings and start creating a more aligned, intentional, and fulfilling year ahead you can sign up here: https://aneta-idczak.kit.com/yearly-reflection-and-planning