E62: From Inconsistent to Committed - Mini-Series "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" - Part 6
Welcome to "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" Mini-Series where I take you on a journey to reflect on and explore a different way to run your business. A way that allows you to move from daily hustle and grind that is focused on achieving outcomes and sacrificing your health and relationships to a more embodied, sustainable, soul-led and sacred way of making a positive impact in the world.
Topics I explore in Part 6:
Importance of consistency in business
What it means to be consistent in your business
Achieving consistency in a sustainable and aligned manner
Reflecting on business practices and next steps
Aligning business with personal values, commitments and life situation
Systems thinking approach in business context
Impact of natural cycles on business decisions
My experience of challenges faced in my previous business model and adaptation
How to embrace Self-leadership and decision-making based on personal values
Incremental and accumulative effect of consistency in business
Invitation to create a Resource Library to create consistency and commitment
If you'd like to get support around creating your sustainable business check out the Embodied Business Mandala Mentorship and Mastermind: https://anetaidczak.com/the-embodied-business-mandala-mentorship