E62: From Inconsistent to Committed - Mini-Series "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" - Part 6

Welcome to "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" Mini-Series where I take you on a journey to reflect on and explore a different way to run your business. A way that allows you to move from daily hustle and grind that is focused on achieving outcomes and sacrificing your health and relationships to a more embodied, sustainable, soul-led and sacred way of making a positive impact in the world.


Topics I explore in Part 6:

  • Importance of consistency in business

  • What it means to be consistent in your business

  • Achieving consistency in a sustainable and aligned manner

  • Reflecting on business practices and next steps

  • Aligning business with personal values, commitments and life situation

  • Systems thinking approach in business context

  • Impact of natural cycles on business decisions

  • My experience of challenges faced in my previous business model and adaptation

  • How to embrace Self-leadership and decision-making based on personal values

  • Incremental and accumulative effect of consistency in business

  • Invitation to create a Resource Library to create consistency and commitment

If you'd like to get support around creating your sustainable business check out the Embodied Business Mandala Mentorship and Mastermind: https://anetaidczak.com/the-embodied-business-mandala-mentorship


E63: Invitation to the Embodied Feminine Wisdom Retreat


E61: From Stuck to Inspired and Sacred - Mini-Series "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" - Part 5