E61: From Stuck to Inspired and Sacred - Mini-Series "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" - Part 5
Welcome to "Create Your Embodied, Thriving and Sacred Business" Mini-Series where I take you on a journey to reflect on and explore a different way to run your business. A way that allows you to move from daily hustle and grind that is focused on achieving outcomes and sacrificing your health and relationships to a more embodied, sustainable, soul-led and sacred way of making a positive impact in the world.
Topics we explore in Part 5:
Importance of creating an embodied, thriving, and sacred business
Aligning your business with Core Values and Soul's Calling
Invitation to slow down, pause and turn inward to reconnect when feeling stuck
Approaching your business decisions as experiments
Normalising the fear of making changes in business
Choosing between abandoning oneself or pleasing others
Importance of inner work to cultivate self-trust and self-belief
Invitation to embrace radical honesty and self-love and taking action from a place of inner wisdom
If you'd like to get support around creating your sustainable business check out the Embodied Business Mandala Mentorship and Mastermind: https://anetaidczak.com/the-embodied-business-mandala-mentorship