E28: Conversation with Jenni Stone: Speaking About Yoga for Cancer And It's Healing Power
In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of talking with Jenni Stone. We chat about Jenni's journey from a yoga teacher and reflexologist specialising in working with and supporting people living with cancer and going through recovery, to sharing this important knowledge and training other yoga teachers through her Yoga for Cancer Academy. We are also talking about some big statistics that every practitioner working with female clients and students should know about.
Jenni Stone is a senior yoga teacher and professional reflexologist with over 20 years’ experience working with people who have cancer. She has supported people with cancer in various settings including a hospice, cancer charities, and in private practice. Currently, she is the resident yoga teacher for Maggie’s Royal Free where she has been for 9 years and continues to develop the yoga programme there.
In 2019, with an awareness of the growing rates of cancer diagnosis and how deeply beneficial yoga can be, Jenni developed her yoga for cancer teacher training programmes so that other yoga teachers can be empowered to support people with cancer. As these trainings have grown and she has taught hundreds of teachers, Jenni founded the Yoga for Cancer Academy whose mission statement is for everyone who has a cancer diagnosis to have access to a suitable yoga class.
You can find out more info about Jenni’s work via her website: https://www.yogaforcanceracademy.org/