E11: Conversation with Fabienne Belgardt: Speaking about burnout and supporting your wellbeing when running a business

In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of talking with Fabienne Belgardt. We chat about Fabi’s journey, experiencing burnout, working with women and the impact Aneta’s trainings and support had on Fabi’s work.

Fabi is a somatic coach in training and a trauma-informed yoga teacher with a background in frontline work. Fabi supports other female practitioners, coaches and business owners with easing stress and overwhelm. Having experienced going through the burnout cycles herself, she understands the importance of having support for your own wellbeing when supporting others. She now shares practices – with a trauma-informed and whole-systems approach – that can support other practitioners with mental and emotional wellbeing whilst running their business and supporting others through their work, so that they can continue sharing what they love without burning out.

Fabi encourages lasting, sustainable changes and understanding one’s own Nervous system better – to break the burnout cycle of people-pleasing, high expectations and putting other people’s needs first and instead creating a supportive and Nervous system friendly environment and prioritising one’s own needs – through trauma-informed, somatic practices and coaching, restorative yoga, practices for Nervous system regulation and exploring habits and mindsets around rest and self-care.

Fabi works online, offering 1-1 support, somatic group coaching and regular workshops. Her work focuses on inviting self-compassion, connecting, and listening to one’s own needs and regulating of the Nervous system – holding space for your own needs when supporting others and navigating challenges of running your own business.

You can find out more about Fabi’s work via her website: https://www.fabiennebelgardt.com/


E12: Cultivating Self-compassion for nervous system regulation


E10: Conversation with Laurent Roure: Speaking about Breathwork, Body, and Trauma-informed Approach