The Power of Embodiment & Choosing Your Path | Trauma-Informed Somatic Coaching
Embracing the Transformational Times in Our Lives
There are certain times of the year that feel deeply transformational - moments when we take quantum leaps forward in our personal growth, business, or self-awareness. These are often significant times in our lives, whether they mark personal milestones, shifts in identity, or even moments of loss and challenge.
Our bodies hold all our experiences. Every emotion, every event, every change we’ve been through is recorded in our being. Our body becomes our biography. Because we are alive, breathing, organic beings, we are part of a magnificent consciousness - the energy of the planet, the universe, and the source, or however we define it yourself.
For me, February and October are two of these transformational times of the year. February has marked key moments in my personal and professional journey - from starting my career in Social Care, where I stayed for 16 years, to starting a loveing relationship with my partner that this year celebrates 22 years, to transitioning from workin in Social Care into full-time self-employment 9 years ago. October, is the month of my birth, and holds for me the energy of celebration and deep reflection on my life. These times encourage me to realign, let go of what no longer serves me, and embrace the direction of my dreams and steps I need to take to move toward.
The Importance of Reflection and Presence
So often, we are focused on moving forward - wanting more clients, more confidence, more success, more love, or better health. These desires are natural, but they take us from staying in the present moment. When we are constantly looking ahead, we lose connection with the here and now, the only moment where we have the power to choose.
The present moment is where our agency lies. It’s where we can acknowledge how far we’ve come, celebrate our progress, and make conscious choices that shape our future. Without this awareness, we risk losing touch with the wisdom we have already gained, the resilience we have built, and the strengths we have cultivated.
The Power to Choose
One of the most profound powers we have is the power to choose - how we respond to life’s circumstances, where we place our focus, and how we shape our experiences. Viktor Frankl, in Man’s Search for Meaning, describes this as the ultimate human freedom: the ability to choose our response, even in the most challenging situations.
Do you believe that you have the power to choose? This is an essential question because our beliefs shape our reality. Even in situations where we cannot control external circumstances, we can choose how we care for ourselves, how we seek support, and how we nurture our inner well-being.
Embodying Qualities for Transformation
One powerful way to work with choice is through embodiment. For me embodiment is about consciously cultivating qualities that support our growth and well-being. For example, if we want to experience more joy, we can begin by noticing the small, everyday moments that help us experience joy - enjoying a moment with a warm cup of tea, taking a mindful walk, or engaging in gentle movement.
The key here is to normalise these experiences so that they become part of our daily lives, rather than something reserved for big or special occasions. The more we normaise these moments the more accessible they become.
This approach applies to any quality we wish to cultivate - whether it’s peace, confidence, abundance, self-compassion, luxury or wealth.
Working with Archetypes
Another way to embody transformation is through working with Archetypes. Archetypes provide a framework for stepping into different versions of ourselves. Whether it’s the Embodied Feminine Leader, the Successful Business Owner, the Well-Rested Woman, or the Queen Archetype, each represents qualities and strengths that we can cultivate, embody and draw upon.
Some people resonate deeply with Archetypes and the symbolism they carry, while others find it easier to work with simple qualities like joy, presence, or courage. Choose the one you resonate with the most - the one that is the easiest for you to cultivate. The important thing is to find what feels aligned for you and start doing it.
Who Are You Becoming?
A powerful question to ask yourself is: Who do I want to become? What qualities do you want to cultivate more of in your life? What kind of energy and way of being do you want to embody? What shifts would support you in living with more ease, joy, and fulfillment?
So often, we get caught up in problem-solving, in working hard to fix things or heal ourselves. But what if healing, growth, and success could be approached with more curiosity, playfulness, and spaciousness? What if transformation could be a process of leaning into joy, rather than striving or struggling?
The Path Forward
As you reflect on these ideas, I invite you to take a moment to connect with what feels right for you. Are you drawn to working with qualities, bringing more of what you desire into your daily experience? Or do archetypes inspire you to step into a new version of yourself?
Either way, profound shifts happen when we consciously choose our path. I see this all the time in my programs, and I experience it in my own life. It’s a deeply transformational process, and the more we engage with it, the more we begin to embody the life we truly want to live.
Are you ready to explore this? I’d love to hear your reflections on what resonates with you!
Take care of yourself and allow yourself to step into your power.
Ready to step into your power? We cover these themes and approaches in our accredited training certification: Trauma-informed Somatic Teacher and Coach for Women. We run this training twice a year in Spring and Autumn. Our Spring 2025 Cohort is now open for registration and I’d love you to join our transformational community.