E39: Conversation with Louise Cashin: The Power of Yoga to Change Our Lives

In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of talking with Louise Cashin. We chat about Louise’s experience of recovering from an injury by learning and practicing Yoga, and her love for sharing healing Yoga practices for others. We also talk about how Somatic Movement can be a wonderful addition to more traditional Yoga practices.

Louise is based in SW London, UK, she is a long time student of Yoga and has been teaching for over three decades. “For me Yoga is a lifestyle, a way of thinking and not just something I do on a mat. Although, I do feel the Yoga mat is a great place to practise how we can be in our day to day lives. More focussed, clear headed with courage in our hearts!  Often I remind myself and my students of that – taking the peace and bliss you feel at the end of class into the world”.

Louise also provides training for those wishing to teach Yoga as well as mentoring existing teachers in developing their offering.

You can find more information about Louise’s work at: https://yoga-yoga.guru/


E40: A Journey of Returning to Embodied Feminine Wholeness


E38: Conversation with Fiona Parr: Focusing and how it is integrated in many modern trauma healing approaches