E26: Conversation with Norman Blair: Speaking About Yin Yoga, Social Justice and Creating a Fairer Pay for Yoga Teachers
In this podcast episode I had the pleasure of talking with Norman Blair. We chat about Norman’s journey as a Yoga Practitioner, Teacher and Trainer, his passion for taking social justice action, and being part of the Union for Yoga Teachers fighting for a fairer pay.
Norman began practising yoga in the early 1990s and he has been teaching since 2001. His practice and teaching embrace both Ashtanga yoga and Yin yoga as well as mindfulness meditation. Through significant periods of training with teachers such as Alaric Newcombe, Judith Hanson Lasater, Richard Freeman and Sarah Powers, he has gained the Yoga Alliance 500 hour accreditation. He believes that yoga is accessible to all of us and through regular practice we can experience profound changes in our mind and body. His own experience has taught him that yoga is an enjoyable way to release and make available energetic potential to enhance our lives. Yoga can help us to become more flexible, physically stronger and improve our stamina, focus and awareness.
Norman teaches intuitive/dynamic flow yoga and Yin yoga classes and workshops throughout London, as well as leading retreats. His Yin Yoga Training courses are respected and popular. He has run yoga teacher mentoring groups for more than ten years.
You can find out more info about Norman’s work via his website: https://www.yogawithnorman.co.uk/