E1: Introduction and the inspiration behind my trauma-informed somatic work

Welcome to my new podcast Through a trauma-informed Lens - Soma, Psyche and Soul.

Thank you for taking time to listen to this episode. Today I'd like to share with you a little about my journey and what inspired me to work, mentor, coach, and train others in trauma-informed somatic approach. My inspiration and commitment to share this work with my clients and other soul-led practitioners (female and male) comes from my own life experiences including moving on my own to London from Poland when I was 18, practicing Yoga and Mindfulness for last 30 years, and my experience of working with trauma, crisis intervention, mental health, substance use, DV and intensive family work in Social Care and the community for past 25 years, teaching Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation and other therapeutic yoga, Somatic Movement and Somatic and Embodiment approaches for past 13 years, and working with Thai Yoga Massage and somatic bodywork, as well as attending many holistic, therapeutic and coaching trainings over the past three decades.

I deeply believe that if you are a practitioner working with and supporting others in their healing and growth you need to be trained in trauma aware and informed approach, and work in a holistic and body-focused way. I feel very passionate about sharing this knowledge, understanding and practices, and in this way be part of creating positive impact within our communities and the world.


E2: What would you do if you were in charge of the world?