Golden Mandala Somatic Coach Academy©



Trauma-informed Yoga & Embodied Resilience Yoga also called Trauma Resilience Embodied Yoga (TREY) teacher training course with Golden Mandala Somatic Coach Academy© is an accredited 80-Hr Further Training with Yoga Alliance Professionals and you need to be already qualified as a yoga teacher with at least 200-hrs teacher training completed. It is not necessary that you are teaching currently, as this course will support you on your yoga-teaching path.


You can sign up and pay for TREY training in full amount of £880. Or you can choose to pay with agreed instalment payment plans. All instalments need to be paid as subscription via PayPal or Stripe, and taken automatically on a monthly basis.

This course is designed to work as a small group training and mentoring and therefore your place is confirmed only after your payment of full training amount or your first instalment and set up payment plan.

Trauma-informed Yoga & Embodied Resilience Teacher Training (TREY) Teacher Training Certificate will not be issued if you have don’t pay your training fees for this course as agreed when signed up for the course.

All trainings, assessments and mentoring sessions on the training courses are taken with myself, Aneta Idczak, a registered Yoga Alliance Professionals Senior Yoga Teacher and TrainerPro, and founder of Golden Mandala Somatic Coach Academy©.

Yoga Training Manuals and videos for this course will be accessible either via Membership portal or shared via email after each module. All training manuals and videos of Golden Mandala Ltd compile to copyright laws and are protected legally. Golden Mandala Ltd training manuals cannot be passed on or used by any 3rd party, and if so further legal action will be taken by Golden Mandala Ltd.

This training is fully delivered online via Zoom meetings and will require you to have good access to Internet and a computer to participate fully.

As a student of Golden Mandala Somatic Coach Academy© you will be contacted by Yoga Alliance Professionals (YAP) and you give consent as a Yoga Teacher Training Participant to share your name, email address and phone number so that YAP can offer you student/yoga teacher membership or graduated membership. We understand that by applying and paying for this course you agree to comply with GDPR standards to accept the sharing of your details solely with YAP.

As a yoga teacher you are required to have valid yoga teacher insurance when teaching yoga and this is not included in the training.

Golden Mandala Ltd reserve the right to amend any of the above conditions any time throughout the course.


On signing the Terms & Conditions and incurring missed payments, legal action may be taken to ensure payment has been received.


Once you have signed up to the course with your first payment/full payment you agree to the Terms and Conditions and you will be held in the agreement of making full payment of the course and this will not be refundable to you.


When you sign up for TREY teacher training you agree to full payment for this Further Training and you will be liable to full payment. There will be no refunds for this training.


80% attendance is required to obtain certification, and you will receive recordings of all online training sessions, including the ones you miss. You will need to show that you watched the recorded sessions if you are unable to attend in person. You also have mentoring sessions, which can be used to cover the material missed.


During TREY teacher training we will be discussing various topics related to trauma, trauma symptoms and resilience – this might bring up certain responses or triggers. This training is not a substitute for mental health intervention or therapy and you agree to take full responsibility for seeking professional support and help if you experience any significant triggers or reactions to the material covered. Your wellbeing and safety are most important to me during this training.

Please note any substance use will not be acceptable during all sessions.

Recordings of all online sessions

Please note that all group sessions will be recorded and shared with the whole group. These recordings will not be available to anybody outside of the participant group apart from Yoga Alliance Professionals (YAP) if requested for quality monitoring purposes.

Promotional Efforts

At times I will ask your permission to take photographs and make video and/or audio recordings to promote the benefits of participating in this training. This will be made in a way to preserve your confidentiality and no personal material will be shared. Please let me know if you would prefer to be completely excluded otherwise I understand that you hereby consent to being the subject of any photographs or audio/video recordings made during your trainings at Golden Mandala Ltd and grant permission for these to be published or posted in ways that promote Golden Mandala Ltd Trainings.

Social Media and Posting of Photographs and Videos

Golden Mandala Ltd asks that you do not take photographs, record audio or video before asking for prior permission from course trainers and present participants.

Release of Liability

By signing up and paying for Golden Mandala Ltd teacher trainings you agree to the stated below:

‘After being informed of the above risks and responsibilities, I generally release Golden Mandala Ltd, together with its course Trainers and other representatives, from all claims, causes of action, medical expenses, and other costs related to my participation, whether they arise while at any our trainings, or from my later use of included information and practices or any practice at home.’


You will be required to dedicate time for daily practice to embody the training material, and evidence will be required in a written reflective form as part of your final assignment.


Golden Mandala Ltd and course Trainer for TREY Teacher Training – Aneta Idczak reserves the right to cancel the course at any point, and should the course be cancelled by Golden Mandala Ltd extension dates will be offered where applicable and refunds issued if necessary.

Extensions for successful completion may be granted if you as a student are unable to complete the required attendance due to unforeseen circumstances by moving the participant to next cohort of TREY teacher training.


I will always try to work with any complaints in a reasonable time frame. As this is training and mentoring course clear communication is a vital key to getting the most out of this training. I encourage you to contact me via email to set a meeting to discuss any concerns you have. As founder and trainer it is my main focus to resolve any issues and support you to my full capacity.